The machine setup of my MacBook Pro M2 Pro with macOS Ventura.

My Apple MacBook Pro M2 Pro + macOS Ventura Machine Setup

This is the documentation of my Apple MacBook Pro M2 Pro with MacOS Ventura machine setup.

Install the Fira Code fonts

  • Follow the instruction for MacOS here.
  • In Visual Studio Code, the font will automatically be used without restarting the editor.
  • In kitty terminal, you need to completely quit and restart the app.

Install the kitty terminal and personal configs

  • Follow the instruction in the Binary install section here.

  • Install the .dotfiles configs to the ~ directory if not already.

  • Create a symlink of the kitty.conf file to ~/.config/kitty/ directory.

    ln -s ~/.dotfiles/kitty.conf ~/.config/kitty/
  • Restart the kitty terminal to use the configs.

Install the pnpm package manager

brew install pnpm

Configure the Option key to act like as Ctrl key

This configuration is currently on the testing phase. So, from the System Settings > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts > Modifier Keys. Swap the between the Option key and the Control key.

Setup tmux-resurrect and tmux-continuum for tmux environment persistence

Install the tmux-resurrect and tmux-continuum in the ~/.config directory.

cd ~/.config
git clone
git clone

Set these configs in the .tmux.conf file.

# Persist tmux sessions on reboots
run-shell ~/.config/tmux-resurrect/resurrect.tmux
# Auto-save tmux sessions for persistence
run-shell ~/.config/tmux-continuum/continuum.tmux

Setup conventional and emojified commits

Install commitizen.

pnpm install -g commitizen

Install cz-conventional-changelog to enable conventional commits.

pnpm install -g cz-conventional-changelog

Note: Always use the latest LTS version of Node.

Create a symbolic link of the .czrc file to the ~ directory.

ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.czrc ~/

Install devmoji to enable emojified commit messages.

pnpm install -g devmoji

Setup mkcert and local-ssl-proxy to enable local HTTPS proxy servers

brew install mkcert
mkcert -install
mkcert localhost
pnpm install -g local-ssl-proxy
local-ssl-proxy --source 3010 --target 3000 --cert localhost.pem --key localhost-key.pem